Puppy Energy Level

Feeling overwhelmed with hectic modern life? These ideas can help you slow down.

6/9/2021 1 min read

Puppy behavior and their energy levels change with time. Here are the stages.
From Birth-10 Weeks

Puppies at this age are like “babies.” They have boundless energy and curiosity. They spend most of their day playing as well as learning the foundations to being a dog: chasing, running, pawing, biting and fighting. Their enthusiasm for life and its surroundings can be exhausting, but this is also the perfect time to start thinking about a puppy care and training plan.

From 10 Weeks-16 Weeks

Puppies at this age may still have a lot of playful energy. But they are also starting to test their boundaries. Like teenagers, they may seem to “forget” the rules or commands that they once followed. This is normal developmental behavior for puppies in this juvenile phase. Some of this behavior may be due to teething as puppies begin to lose their first set of teeth around 3-4 months of age.

From 4-6 Months

You may notice that your puppy likes to play-fight with other dogs around this age. This is how puppies start to identify where they fit in with a group. This is normal behavior. It’s also around this age when some puppies show fear. If your puppy does show fear, it’s best to ignore the behavior and build his confidence through training.

From 6-12 Months

While your puppy may now look like a full-grown adult dog, he’s still a puppy. At this age you might see a burst of puppy energy and continued boundary testing. That’s why it’s important to make sure your puppy still gets plenty of structured play and exercise. Continuing with training and socialization with other dogs is also essential at this age.

From 1-2 Years

Congratulations! You’ve survived puppyhood! As your puppy nears age one (up to two years for a large breed), he’s beginning to look and act more mature. He will probably still be very playful, but by now he’s learned the ropes and is much better at following the rules.