New Puppy at Home - First Few Days

When you bring home a new puppy, you need to be prepared with certain basic necessities for the new family member.

3 min read

It feels very exciting to bring home a new puppy, but before you do, make sure you have some preparation done.

What you will need is puppy food, a leash and collar, and a strategy for potty training. Doing that preparation work will make your first week together a fun one. You’ll spend time getting to know each other and your new puppy will spend time exploring his new space, learn where to go potty and more.

Before Bringing Home a New Puppy

Spend the first week by stocking up on the essentials. Choose and buy the food for the puppy, and water bowls, get a leash and collar with an ID tag, toys and treats.

A New Puppy Checklist can be handy and will let you know everything your puppy will need to get settled. Planning in advance to have all the supplies on hand will give you extra time for bonding when you bring the puppy home. You might want to start potty training from day one, hence reading up on some tips and tricks can help set you up for what is to come and how to handle or react to it.

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, you may want to start thinking about names in advance as well. Choosing a name and using it consistently is vital to puppy training.

Puppy’s First Week Home

Puppies are curious, so encourage yours to explore his new home. Show the pup around the places and spaces where he’ll be able to spend his time.

Puppies start teething around 12 weeks of age. They also learn about their environment by putting things in their mouths. If he tries to chew on shoes or furniture, redirect him by giving him a toy or a small bone instead.

If you discover he’s chewed something he shouldn’t have after the fact, don’t scold him. He won’t understand why you’re upset. If you do catch him in the act, give him a firm “No,” and redirect him with a bone, toy or game.

Create a feeding routine and feed the pup at the same times each day and at the same location. This way the pup will be accustomed to expect food at a specific time and this will also help you anticipate his need to go potty.

Potty training should begin immediately when you bring your puppy home.

Start by showing the puppy his potty spot, wherever that may be, either inside the house or in a open area. There are Potty Mats and sprays available which can be used for the job. Always use the same phrase like “go potty” so that the puppy understands what he should do when you are telling him to do. Let him sniff around and get familiar with the area, so that he goes to the same place in future. When he actually does potty, then praise him or offer a treat to help reinforce that behavior in the future.

Ideal time would be right after mealtime and before and after naptime. This will help reduce the chance of surprises in the house.

It’s a good idea to start practicing leaving him alone from day one and hence a crate would be required. Before putting him in his crate, take him out to potty. Then you can put him in his crate and leave the house, returning after just a few minutes. He may bark and whine, but as you practice and build up the amount of time he’s alone, he’ll learn to stay alone and that you’ll come back.

Potty training is important as mentioned above, but obedience training should also start early. You must begin teaching him some basic commands like “sit,” “down,” and “stay.”

It is important to have him get used to the leash. This can be done by taking him for short walks around your yard or wherever you have space. Until vaccinated, avoid socializing with other dogs in public places to avoid early infections and ticks.

A good veterinarian should be close by and you will want pay him/her a visit in the first week for an overall checkup. He may need some vaccinations and a parasite check. Get a vaccination schedule from the veterinarian and follow it. This is a great opportunity for him to experience riding in a car and meeting and interacting with new people.

Your veterinarian will mostly likely encourage you to play with your puppy’s ears and feet as well as establish a consistent dental health routine. All these activities will help you and your puppy in the long run, especially if medical conditions arise.

You should introduce your new puppy to family and friends as this can be a great socializing experience for him. Try not to overwhelm him with too many visitors at once as they might get afraid. Allowing your puppy to meet children of all ages will help him develop into a well-rounded dog who loves people of all ages and sizes.

Once your veterinarian approves, you can begin socializing him with other dogs as well. Socialization and training are essential in helping your puppy become a well-mannered dog.